Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Body Magic has just been released in Black

Ardyss keeps growing and helping thousands of people, throughout the world. Check out the new line of body garments, in black. The Body Magic not only makes you look great, but provides great benefits.

The Body Magic is an innovative creation that will sensationalize your body by giving you the appearance of a liposuction transformation without the surgery. Innovative in design to lift your bust and stomach as it flattens and controls your abdomen muscles. This body shaper lifts and reshapes the buttocks and helps thin your thighs and hips while pulling the shoulders back to correct posture.


Helps to firm and control your abdomen
Helps to lift and hold your lower stomach in position
pulls your shoulders back and corrects your posture
Straightens your back
Gives upper and lower back support
Thins your hips
Lifts and holds buttocks up in position
26 to 42

Contact me today and order yours, while supplies last.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International

Friday, June 11, 2010

Why I Joined Ardyss

Good evening to all, my name is Eduardo with Ardyss International. Some of you know me and a lot of you don’t. After a situation this evening, it struck me and I was reminded why I joined Ardyss International.

We often are faced with small road blocks in our path and we become discouraged and feel as if it were the end of the world. Small things, such as not having enough money to eat out everyday, buy those expensive shoes or that fancy suit. We often think because we can’t pay our cell phone bills or the cable bill, etc…., that it’s the end for us. A small thing, such as having a pimple or a small scar. We get mad, sad, depressed; though fail to do anything else about it.

A little over a year ago, I lost my uncle to stomach cancer. He was like my second dad, throughout school him and my aunt went to meet with my teachers; while my parents were at work. He was such a loving, outgoing, caring, giving, joyful and intelligent human being; a successful entrepreneur. When he passed, it was as if part of my life was gone.

I now have a friend/coworker that was just recently diagnosed with cancer in her stomach and possibly in her colon. She is in her early 30's and has a 13 year old son. After going through rigorous testing and with several doctors, she has been given 6 months to 1 year to live. She can barely eat once a day and most of the time when she goes home in the evenings, isn’t able to hold that food in her stomach.

I don’t want to see more people, become ill and become diagnosed with incurable diseases. Guys, when someone close to you has their days counted and is in pain day after day; it’s so hard. It sickens me, knowing it’s too late for me to do something to help them. For this very reason I have joined Ardyss and the many great leaders in the company, that are already making a change in their life and helping so many others.

I joined the great company of Ardyss International, because I want to help as many people as possible to be healthy and live a better quality of life. I want to see people’s lives get transformed and see the joy in them, as they achieve their goals and realize their dreams and most importantly become healthy.

Ardyss International has given us the tools, to be successful in so many ways and it’s my joy to be able to spread the word and share this wonderful opportunity with you all. This great company was founded by an amazing family, that only has one goal in mind and that is to help as many people as possible be healthy, live a better quality of life and be able to reach their goals and dreams.

I can't do this alone and ask that you join me; together we can make a greater impact. Contact me today and allow yourself the opportunity to grow, be healthy, improve your financial situation and best of all help your friends and family do the same. Let’s stop procrastinating and placing our health second. Without health, it doesn’t matter how much money one has. Join me on this great journey to creating health and wealth.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ardyss is Transforming Lives

Ardyss continues to grow and is transforming people's lives. I am very motivated and working hard to grow my team. If you are ready to grow in life and make a positive change, contact me and I will help you get started.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Real From Fake!

Yes there are so many scams out there; promising to get you rich over night and or asking you to send money and sit on your behind at home and see it multiply over night. Now we all know, that nothing comes easy and we do have to work hard to reach our goals and dreams.

With Ardyss International, I am offering you a business opportunity that with hard work, the proper mindset and perseverance; you will be able to reach all those goals and dreams you have. The difference is that Ardyss offers great tools to learn the business and an amazing line of products, that will benefit you and the rest of the world. We can have all the money in the world, but if we have not health; it does us no good.

When you join my team and become part of the Ardyss family, you are opening the doors to a whole new world and lifestyle. You will see the many benefits of the Ardyss products and how everyone can benefit from them. With Ardyss you are starting a business of your own and will have my support and the support of the many successful Ardyss leaders.

The compensation plan that Ardyss has put in place for is, is unmatched by any other company in the industry. They don't spend millions and millions of dollars on TV Advertisements, Bill Boards, Radio Ads and opening a store on every corner of town. This is where we come into play, we join this amazing company to spread the word and tell our friends, families and the rest of the world of this amazing company; in return Ardyss pays us directly for helping them grow the company and spreading the word.

The idea is simple and it works, word of mouth and referrals spread like fire; be it good or bad. If we like a restaurant, bar or club; we will quickly tell our friends and family to go try it out and we do not get paid anything for doing this. When you join my team and become part of Ardyss, you will use the products and see the amazing results; once you tell your family and friends about it. Ardyss will pay you and pay you good for doing this.

I joined Ardyss, because I like helping people and I see how rewarding and fun this business is. I have goals and dreams, that without Ardyss in my life; I wouldn't continue to perceive them. I know that with hard work and continuing to spread the word and help others, my business will grow and it will all pay off.

Anyone and everyone can do this, it just takes you having a positive mindset and one that is ready to make a change and jump start a whole new life. I would not sit here everyday and lie to my family, friends and colleagues over and over again. I am seeing how my family and all the great leaders in Ardyss are growing their business, helping so many people and getting very well compensated. I thank my mom for introducing me to Ardyss and I know it will change my life.

I invite you to join my team and I promise to be a great leader and support to all of you who are ready to make that change. You can call me, email me or even go to my website. I am ready to help as many of you, that want to be helped.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Great Business Founded by An Amazing Family

Ardyss International was founded by the great Diaz De Leon Family, they have one mission in mind and that is to help people be healthy, feel good, look good and best of all be able to realize their goals and dreams. Once you try the products you will fall in love with them and can make it a business and start helping people like you. I am looking for Distributors to join my team and start experiencing the many great benefits Ardyss International has to offer. Call or email me today and I will help you get started in this truly amazing business.
Eduardo Delgadillo

Look & Feel Great This Summer

With the great products from Ardyss International, you can look and feel great this summer. The Ardyss body garments and nutritional products have been designed to give you both instant and long term results. You will immediately look better physically; boosting your self esteem and over time wearing the garments and taking the nutritional products you will permanently lose weight, inches and be healthier. Contact me to get started today and start looking and feeling great!
Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International