Friday, May 28, 2010

What is Network Marketing?

Network Marketing or Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a business model that combines franchising with direct marketing.

Billionaires Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Donald Trump and Warren Buffet have all either distributed their products using network marketing, bought into network marketing companies or have created networking marketing companies to distribute their products since the turn of the 21st Century. This is because these giants of the business world recognise how efficient and viral a business model network marketing is.

Network marketing businesses function by recruiting salespeople (also called Distributors, Agents, Independent Affiliates, Independent Associates, Independent Business Owners, IBOs, Franchise Owners, Sales Consultants, Beauty Consultants, Consultants, etc.) to sell a product/service and offer additional sales commissions based on the sales of people recruited into their downline, an organisation of people that includes direct recruits, recruits' recruits, etc. This arrangement is similar to franchise arrangements where royalties are paid from the sales of individual franchise operations to the franchisor as well as to an area or region manager, but in some MLM programs, there can be seven or more levels of people receiving royalties from one person's sales.

Over $100 Billion worth of goods and services are distributed by over 30 million distributors in 120 countries around the world who are involved in network marketing (Multi Level Marketing). The network marketing industry had created many millionaire distributors who have completely transformed their lives within a short few years of becoming involved.

The Pyramid Selling Myth

Sometimes people mistakenly confuse network marketing with a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme where there is no product or service being delivered.

Some very well known fortune 500 multi-billion dollar global companies have chosen network marketing as a way to distribute their goods and services. These include Virgin, Tiscali, Avon, Anne Summers, Herbalife, Coca Cola, Motorola Xerox and Ardyss International; which is up and coming.

In 2007 global soccer icon David Beckham signed for LA Galaxy whose main sponsor is Herbalife, a multi billion dollar global nutrition network marketing company.

Naturally these global giants would not want to harm their brand names in anyway by involving themselves in a product distribution model which would do that. Network Marketing is not a pyramid scheme, it is a business model for distributing products and services.

The Direct Selling Association forecasts that by 2010 networking companies will produce over $700 billion in revenue with a major growth in the industry resulting from the explosive growth of the internet (1.3 Billion users in 2007). With 21st century digital marketing, a network marketing company can now distribute its products or services to the whole globe within 2-3 years if their product or service is an info product or an online subscription internet service. Previously it would have taken 20-30 years to distribute tangible products such as nutrition or skincare products.

Why do companies choose Network Marketing to distribute their products or services?
Below the 2 diagrams show the standard and network marketing models for distribution of goods and services.

Diagram 1

As you can see in diagram 1 the company can get the product to the consumer faster and with less costs.
They save on the conventional costs of Marketing, Advertising, PR & Distribution.

Diagram 2

As you can see in diagram 2 through standard distribution, there will be a mark-up in price at the Wholesale Distribution stage, again at the Regional Distribution stage and again at the Retail Distribution stage. This must happen in order for all these functions to operate profitably. The result is a higher price for the consumer and less profit for the company.

How do you choose the right Network Marketing company?
My criteria for finding the right network marketing business is:

A product or service with mass market demand.

A product or service that would genuinely add value and give pleasure to the customer.

An emerging market place which is in its infancy.

A product or service virtual so which can be accessed or delivered online. So no inventory.

A business in which even if your distributors leave the business, their customers will remain in your team business and you will continue to get paid an income from their usage of the products and services.

A product or service that can be marketed or promoted via the internet as well as off line.

A well established Company with a strong management team.

Excellent compensation plan to reward affiliates immediately and the ability to create a long term income.

A strong Business Building Systems including Websites, Training and Support resources in place to help any new associate that joins the business to succeed if they put in the effort.

Now that you know what Network Marketing is, contact me to get started today with Ardyss International; by far the leading company in Nutrition, Body Shaping and Skin Care. It offers a compensation plan, unmatched by any company in the Network Marketing industry.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ardyss History

Ardyss began in 1991 as a Mexican Manufacturing Company with a new concept for corsetry, designed for reshaping the female figure.

Like many big companies, the creation of Ardyss came about in an unpredicted manner.

Ardyss International was started by Antonio Díaz de León, his wife Armida Fonseca, and their two sons, Antonio and Alejandro. The Díaz de León Family was successful with Ardyss because of their hard work and dedication.

Mr. Antonio Díaz de León went through very hard times before starting Ardyss International. He quit his job in the Customs Department in Reynosa Tamaulipas, Mexico, and began looking for other opportunities. No one wanted to give him an opportunity, making the road a struggle.

Fortunately, destiny had something else waiting for him and his family. During a car trip to Mexico City, Mr. Díaz de León gave a ride to five teachers. He asked one of them why she was walking and she told him to save money. She also told him she was trying to make extra money by selling cosmetics. That is when Mr. Díaz de León decided to start his own business that would help other people. “I will make my company the strongest one,” he said. After analyzing the possibilities, he determined that initially it would be easier to sell undergarments than cosmetics.

The road was anything but simple. The entire family was involved in different areas of the business.

Without any experience but equipped with only a great desire to learn, Mr. Díaz de León decided to rent an industrial warehouse that was 984 square feet in the metropolitan area of Mexico City. He begins with 8 sewing machines and 550 yards of material.

Through the years, the process of research and development of products has been optimized. Currently, Ardyss has a team of full-time professionals dedicated to maintaining an ongoing program to create new products and to continuously enhance our vast product line.

Why Network Marketing or MLM (Multi - Level Marketing)

The answer for this is so simple, successful corporate giants use Network Marketing or MLM to grow their business; quickly and to help individuals make money. Instead of spending millions and millions of dollars on TV Advertisements, Billboards, Newspaper Ads, and opening Stores on every area of town; these companies hire Independent Distributors like myself to spread the word of their product and or service. We all know that word of mouth and referrals, are the easiest and most successful way to recommend something or someone. It works for any business or industry, no matter what the product or service is. The key to a successful Network Marketing or MLM business, is the companies business ethic, the products or services they offer, and most importantly the compensation plan they have established for their distributors.
Now that you know why Network Marketing or MLM is the best business to become part of, let me tell you why Ardyss International is the best company to join.
Ardyss International is a family business, with strong family values; that was founded in Mexico over 18 years ago by the Diaz DeLeon Family. The Diaz DeLeon Family has worked hard to grow Ardyss, always with the vision of helping others in mind. They entered the American market a few years ago and became an instant success, because of their amazing products, compensation plan and desire to help individuals become successful.
I was also skeptical about joining such a business, until my mom and aunt introduced me to Ardyss and I knew this was a great opportunity to change my life. I keep spreading the word, because I truly believe in this company, it's products and have personally seen the success of many of it's leaders and of people that have recently joined the company. I invite you to contact me, try the products and learn more about Ardyss International.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Friday, May 21, 2010

Get Started Today

Founded in 1991, Ardyss International is successfully performing in countries such as Mexico, the United States, Canada, the Dominican Republic, South America and Puerto Rico. Ardyss manufactures its own high-quality products and has strategic alliances with world-class enterprises with more than 12 distribution centers and 150,000 Distributors worldwide.

By working as a full or part-time Ardyss Independent Distributor, you can benefit professionally and financially and yet work from home or any other place and spend more time with your family and friends.

To start your own Ardyss Business and prosper with our growing team, please speak with the Ardyss Independent Distributor, who directed you to this website.

3 Ways to get started

Power Pack: Ideal for businesspeople and maximizing profits joining the Power Start program.
Recurring Order : Ideal for people who want to consume the products and automate their business.
Membership: It is ideal for people who just want to buy and sell the products.
What is the Power Start Program?

Ardyss is making sure there are several ways for Distributors to make money. The most powerful way is with the unique Power Start Program. “We went the extra mile and created something that’s not only a system to build your business, but also an amazing bonus to get into profit fast,” says Ardyss Co-founder Alejandro Díaz de León. Power Start is the Distributors’ guide to success in the Ardyss compensation plan. Only those Distributors who enroll with a Power Pack are eligible to participate. Alejandro says that this is the best way to get an Ardyss business started. After enrolling, Distributors have 90 days to purchase the Power Pack.

How Does Power Start Work?

The objective of Power Star t is not only to encourage distributors to achieve their own goals, but to also help their team members achieve their goals. Power Start encourages this activity because it pays the participant both a personal Power Start Bonus and a 100% Matching Commission on the Power Start Bonuses their personal enrollee’s earn. Power Start pays you off their efforts as well as your own.

Power Start bonuses pay the participant a personal bonus of $500,000 and an additional $500,000 for EACH person you enroll*. If you enroll 4 people your 100% matching bonus potential is over $2 million! Power Start bonuses are in addition to the other 9 ways outlined to earn in this brochure.

Imagine if you earn your complete potential of personal power star t bonuses AND help 4 others do the same. Your earnings would be over $2,500,000!* That’s powerful!

For more details about the Power Start program, ask the person who directed you to this website.

*See compensation plan for additional details regarding volume and active enrollee requirements.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Be Healthy & Look Good With Ardyss

Here are a few examples of the many great products Ardyss International offers. Contact me or visit my website to get full details.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lose 2 to 3 Sizes in 10 Minutes!

The Body Magic System for men and woman by Ardyss, allows you to lose 2 to 3 sizes in 10 minutes. You combine the top quality body shaping garments with superior nutritional products, for a life changing experience. Contact me to for more information.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ardyss Is Exciting and Rewarding

Good afternoon to all, guys I was out with my mom yesterday meeting up with some prospects and it was so rewarding being able to make your own schedule and work as hard as you like. It's an exciting feeling knowing you are helping others with their health and financial situation; at the same time getting paid to do so. No other company will reward you in such a way and give you that feeling of success and satisfaction. Ardyss is the best company to have expanded into the united states and I want to invite you guys to join my team and experience the great benefits of being part of Ardyss.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Mother of Ardyss International

Happy Mother’s Day
Contributor writer: Michelle R. Harden
Mrs. Armida Diaz'deleon - Who is the Mother of Ardyss International?
It is often said, behind every good man is a good woman.....correction! Beside every great man is a great woman
especially in the person of Mrs. Armida Diaz'deleon. She is the mother of Ardyss International, you know the
fastest growing multi-level health and wellness company. The amazing thing about Mrs. Armida, you don't have to
talk with her everyday, or see her every week to know that she has a love and heart for the welfare of every
person. It is a penetration and surge that no matter where you are Mexico, US, UK, Africa - she sends love and
you FEEL IT!
Mrs. Armida, is the natural mother of two young men Antonio and Alejandro, however the adoptive mother of
over 280,000 business distributors of Ardyss. What is important to her is "family"! Where do you go in any conference,
convention or business seminar and the mother of the organization is seen in eloquence, speaks with
authority and passion and celebrates her husband's dynasty and childrens' inheritance by leading a chant "ARDYSS,
ARDYSS, ARDYSS". Still rings in our ears from the 2010 Extravaganza Event. It was in that chant she took the mic
and authority of the room of over 5,000 attendees to express her love and command for UNITY. She empowered
us through this chant to stand on what we believed in a great product, great leaders, great compensation, and
A GREAT Family.
Today, as we recognize mothers' for their contribution, we must recognize the strength of a great woman. She
transcend ethnicity, sizes, status, economic possessions - she will love you to success. As we see the company grow
and take on more executive faces for the growth and stability of new visions to come, mom keeps us balance to
always remind us that family is what got us there and family is what will keep us there.
From the heartbeat of every distributor of Ardyss International, Mrs. Armida - we love you. We pray for you and
speak life, longevity, and the very thing that money cannot buy LOVE.
A Amazing
R Respectable
M Motivating
I Integrity
D Dignity
A Admirable
Happy Mother's Day from:
Millionaires In Motion
Randy & Michelle Harden
Houston, Texas.
This is who Mrs. Armida Diaz de Leon is to us!

Ardyss Founders & Leaders Enjoying Their Success

I have joined Ardyss to make a change in my life and to share it with as many of you as possible. I know with dedication, hard work and persistence, I will get rewarded in so many ways. I see my aunt, mom and other leaders in the company doing so great; that I am motivated and determined to do the same. I want to make a difference and invite all of you to join me on this exciting road to success. The nice thing about it, is that no matter what part of the world you are in, you can join Ardyss and start making a difference in your community. I promise you will not regret it; contact me today to start making a positive change in your life.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ardyss Continues To Grow

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Real People Making A Change

Here are a few pictures of some of the many leaders in Ardyss and the founders of the company.
Contact me to see how Ardyss can change your life!
Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ardyss is Growing!

Good afternoon to all, I know you are probably questioning why so much hype about
Ardyss International. Guys this company is booming and giving the opportunity of a lifetime, to those who are really ready to make a significant change in their life. I am here to truly share this great opportunity with all my friends, family and to anyone out there who would like to get away from making other's rich and get on the road to achieving their own goals and dreams. With Ardyss it's all possible and more! Joining Ardyss will give you the ability to be your own boss, reach all your goals and dreams, build a residual income and best of all; help endless amount of individuals just like you. It's truly a rewarding experience, this company delivers and has so much to offer. Yeah, it sounds too good to be true and you are skeptical about a great opportunity; because of so much fraud out there. To those who know me, you know I have tried so many things and have never given up and most importantly would never lead you to a trap. This is truly a great opportunity, that a small percentage of individuals have taken advantage and I want to let as many people as possible know. I want to give you an opportunity to try it for yourself and see the results for yourself. There is no catch, all you need is your mind to be set and ready to make a positive change in your life. From your health to your financial situation will begin to change for the better and will only get better as you dedicate more time and effort to your business. Give yourself a chance and contact me and find out what Ardyss and my team can truly do for you.

Eduardo Delgadillo
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Join Ardyss Today!

Contact me to find out how Ardyss can truly change your life!

Eduardo Delgadillo
Independent Distributor
Ardyss International
Houston, TX

Ardyss is a real opportunity!