Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Mother of Ardyss International

Happy Mother’s Day
Contributor writer: Michelle R. Harden
Mrs. Armida Diaz'deleon - Who is the Mother of Ardyss International?
It is often said, behind every good man is a good woman.....correction! Beside every great man is a great woman
especially in the person of Mrs. Armida Diaz'deleon. She is the mother of Ardyss International, you know the
fastest growing multi-level health and wellness company. The amazing thing about Mrs. Armida, you don't have to
talk with her everyday, or see her every week to know that she has a love and heart for the welfare of every
person. It is a penetration and surge that no matter where you are Mexico, US, UK, Africa - she sends love and
you FEEL IT!
Mrs. Armida, is the natural mother of two young men Antonio and Alejandro, however the adoptive mother of
over 280,000 business distributors of Ardyss. What is important to her is "family"! Where do you go in any conference,
convention or business seminar and the mother of the organization is seen in eloquence, speaks with
authority and passion and celebrates her husband's dynasty and childrens' inheritance by leading a chant "ARDYSS,
ARDYSS, ARDYSS". Still rings in our ears from the 2010 Extravaganza Event. It was in that chant she took the mic
and authority of the room of over 5,000 attendees to express her love and command for UNITY. She empowered
us through this chant to stand on what we believed in a great product, great leaders, great compensation, and
A GREAT Family.
Today, as we recognize mothers' for their contribution, we must recognize the strength of a great woman. She
transcend ethnicity, sizes, status, economic possessions - she will love you to success. As we see the company grow
and take on more executive faces for the growth and stability of new visions to come, mom keeps us balance to
always remind us that family is what got us there and family is what will keep us there.
From the heartbeat of every distributor of Ardyss International, Mrs. Armida - we love you. We pray for you and
speak life, longevity, and the very thing that money cannot buy LOVE.
A Amazing
R Respectable
M Motivating
I Integrity
D Dignity
A Admirable
Happy Mother's Day from:
Millionaires In Motion
Randy & Michelle Harden
Houston, Texas.
This is who Mrs. Armida Diaz de Leon is to us!

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